George H. W. Bush: The Benefit of a Short MemoryHumanities TexasMany years ago, I had lunch with a man who knew his way around Harris County politics, especially the bare-knuckled variety of Pasadena, his hometown. At one point in the conversation, I raised my index finger to intone, “The most … Continued |
Republican Values Need a ChampionHouston ChronicleHaving worked since 1961 to build the modern Republican Party of Texas, I care about the Republican brand now and into the far future, during and past the presidency of Donald Trump. I should disclose that I backed Jeb Bush … Continued |
Deep StateHouston ChronicleIn a debate a few days before the Republican runoff election in the 2nd Congressional District, both candidates rather casually referred to “the deep state”, a phrase much in currency on the right in this year’s campaigns. Former Navy SEAL … Continued |
Nonpartisan election of judges puts emphasis on justice, not politicsHouston ChronicleAs a consequence of Hillary Clinton’s overwhelming victory in the presidential election, Democrats locally swept every district and county judgeship. The hundreds of thousands of voters who unceremoniously ousted all Republican judges did so because they voted straight-party Democratic. They … Continued |
Peeling back the secrecy in Texas politicsHouston ChronicleIt may have been unique in the long history of our state – it certainly was odd – but I asked to be appointed to the Texas Ethics Commission. As the regulator of non-federal political campaigns and lobbying in Texas, … Continued |
JIM WEBB: AN UNFORGETTABLE CHARACTERMemorial ExaminerThe recent announcement by former Virginia senator Jim Webb that he’s running for the Democratic presidential nomination had a deep personal resonance. I may be a Republican and a devoted Jeb Bush supporter, but Webb remains the most fascinating personality … Continued |
A Personal Look at the Day Reagan Was ShotHouston ChronicleI drove the short distance (from my apartment house) to the VP’s House. When GB finished his morning security briefing by the CIA, he took Jennifer and me with him in the limo to the helipad, located on the other … Continued |
Modern Vice Presidents Play Key Governing RoleHouston ChronicleVery soon now, surely before the Republican national convention meets in Tampa at the end of August, Mitt Romney will announce his selection of a running mate. This choice should be made with governing, not politics, in mind. The changed … Continued |
Learning Life’s Lessons On Path To Eagle Scout: Skills Brought To Bear In Youthful Quest For Merit Badges Used Again And AgainHouston ChronicleOne of Houston’s leading citizens, bearing a name found on many a cherished local institution, once told me, “I’d rather my son became an Eagle Scout than win the Heisman Trophy.” Though sometimes people may chide a clean-living man by … Continued |
Looking Back On 50 Years of Talking: Some Tips On How To Make An Effective SpeechHouston ChronicleThis coming Friday marks a special anniversary in my life: It was on that date fifty years ago that I began speaking in public. I haven’t stopped since.` The occasion was the Lamar High School speech tournament. I was an … Continued |